The Rise of Smart Workplaces – a myth or reality?

It goes without saying that workplaces today are at the brink of a major transformation, and the proliferation of advanced technology is one of the primary reasons why organizations today are operating ineffectively. Workplaces are being restructured and business operations are being streamlined with the help of diverse opportunities that are being created with the help of technological developments such as the Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning, artificial intelligence, etc.

Whether you realize it now, or later – your future workplace will be a smart workplace that will witness workforces becoming more decentralized, dynamic, and digital!

But before we begin, it is important for you to understand whether a responsive or digital workplace is at all a requirement for you?

The global workforce has already embraced the reality of rampant digital transformation. Mobility has become their primary ask. And employees are looking for more collaborative applications and software that would help them to create a symbiotic work culture for themselves, thereby boost organizational productivity, improve their morale, and reduce unnecessary frictions.

A smart workplace, on the other hand, promises that everything is personalized and well- connected. With hot-desks and an agile workspace in place, you get to save a lot on the real estate costs and the operational expenses. Therefore, the creation of such a workplace will guarantee you an unimaginable increase in productivity and cost-saving.

Sadly, the organizations that still do not wish to rethink their workplace digitally would end up standing in the lowest rung of the ladder. Offering a mobile working option and digital customizing of your workplace can also help you in attracting the right kind of talent for your organization. 

Now that you know why you need a smart workplace, let us now turn to the right kind of resources that will help you make this shift.

To stand out from the crowd, you need to have suitable resources to help you make the right digital turn. The very first step would be to reduce the dependency on traditional workstyles. A smart office will be a tech-savvy office that will leverage technology to automate everyday tasks.

So, with all the real-time data, analytics, and IoT services, your current workplace can be upgraded to a responsive office, effectively. The basic idea is to bring all the operations under one system and make it powerful with the help of advanced machine-learning capabilities and AI-based services. This helps in efficient and error-free analysis of a wide variety of data for more informed business decisions.

However, continuous upgradation of the technology on the basis of user/employee insights and the changing trends would be the next crucial factor once you’ve got the new office set up ready!

Workplaces around the world are slated to transform, and the question remains – are you ready? Widespread development of IT infrastructure – increase in processing speed, reducing costs of telecommunications with the help of fibre optics, digital and dynamic workstyles, ready acceptance of collaborative software and applications – will be some of the main components of the digital transformation of your workplace. The wait is to embrace an end-to-end solution that will help you to re-envision your dream workplace of the future!

In this digital era, why does the HR still struggle with Payroll Issues?

HR industry has witnessed a lot of change over the past few years. The introduction of automation technologies has improved the overall HR process and made this industry more productive and well-organized. The introduction of digital tools is addressing the needs of every organization, as well as determining the role of an HR. After all, it’s the HR that is accountable for managing the payroll process, hiring workers, retaining talent, and ensuring overall organizational stability.

Payroll processing is one of the most important aspects of any business – be it big or small. It’s likely the largest expense of the organization, as well as the most time-consuming processes. Despite the introduction of various automated tools for HR, there are still several problems faced by them with payroll management. No matter how advanced technologies are used in payroll processing by the HR, issues can always arise.

So, what are the exact problems that can arise during payroll processing and management?

Thanks to the automated tools, payroll processing has become considerably easier. Digital tools promise to reduce the chance of producing errors, processing time, and improve the data protection procedure. However, the glaring reality is that if the software and storage processes are not properly organized, the entire payroll process experience can go downhill.

Let us discuss how –

  • Misclassified Workforce:

Often, we find companies hiring independent contractors, freelancers, and temporary employees (GIG Economy). Most of the time, they are not treated the same as the regular employees, especially when it comes to payroll. The HR often faces problems in determining their eligibility and work schedule with regards to the organizational process.

  • Incompatible Tools:

At times, there are few payroll software that are very complicated and are not compatible with the exact needs of the HR. This makes it difficult for them to track employee records and performance reports through such software.

  • Remote & Multi-State Workers:

Payroll calculations can become complicated if the company has too many remote workers or employees working in multiple locations. It becomes essential for the HR that organizational compliance is met for different locations. In addition, focusing on minimum wage requirements and monitoring the tax law often becomes a painful process for the HR while governing employees at different locations.

  • Organizational Issues:

An HR often faces a problem in maintaining employee and payroll records in a smart and accurate manner. At times, creating a uniform filing process to integrate payroll functions becomes very complicated. Often it becomes essential that the HR analyzes and restructures the organizational process.

How is NexAEI & PayCalQ the best solution for all payroll problems?

NexAEI, the ‘smart’ mobile application for HRs to help create a smooth organizational process. On the other hand, PayCalQ is a smart and efficient payroll calculating solution. The combination of the two assists effective consolidation of attendance and leave data based on which the payroll is processed. Therefore, HRs can now enjoy a hassle-free payroll experience with just a few clicks.

Why Do You Need NexAEI for Your Workplace?

Biometrics and ERPs have already abetted us to make a move towards the digital transformation, so far. And, as a consequence, today we are quite triumphant in leaving the typical front office registers far behind.

Certainly, most of the organizations have happily accepted its existence, and that is why today we can find biometric attendance systems beside the front gates of more or less every organization.

And, this unremitting insurgency in the tech world is inevitable.

Thus, it introduces us to the next level of this revolution, which we call NexAEI.

So, now let’s check out how NexAEI can help you cut down your workplace aggravations concerning the management of employee attendance and leave data.

1. Ease Of Use and Integration

The key USP of NexAEI is the affluence it brings to your workspace.

Yes, NexAEI obliterates out all your hassles regarding employee management.

So, if you don’t feel like investing in something new just because you have mounted a biometric attendance system lately, then let me remind you of the fact that a biometric attendance system is incompetent of working hand in hand with your HRMS.

In this regard, NexAEI can help you integrate your systems with zero hassles.

2. Accurate and Organized Attendance Reports

With NexAEI, you can get the most accurate and perfectly organized reports concerning employee attendance, leaves, and whatnots, that no other employee attendance system can provide you with.

Yes, and, all of it just with a few clicks.

3. Data Centralization

NexAEI comes with a consolidated cloud server that accumulates and stores all your employee-related data.

With this advantage of storing your employee-related data in the cloud server, you can run with zero threats of misplacing any of your imperative data.

Not just that, you can access this data from anywhere around the world if you have the right credentials. That’s exactly what we preach- “Be here. Anywhere.

4. Visibility

Now, this is what NexAEI is primarily acknowledged for- Visibility.

Yes, with NexAEI you get complete visibility of your entire workspace just with a few clicks or taps.

All you need to do is, open the NexAEI mobile app or log in to your NexAEI account just by visiting, Yes, it is that easy.

5. Employee empowerment

So, after going through the previous points you must be thinking that NexAEI is all about the Employer and the management team. But, to let you know, the main moto of NexAEI is “employee empowerment”.

Exactly, with the NexAEI employee app, each and every employee can check their attendance, working hours, leave balance and many more just by logging in through their credentials.

Bonus: Device Agnostic

And, now it is, primarily, this bonus point that makes NexAEI so handy.

Exactly, NexAEI is a device-agnostic SaaS product. So, no matter what smartphone you are using, you can access NexAEI. No need to install super expensive devices, anymore.

So, what are you waiting for? Switch to NexAEI!

Why NexAEI is the best solution for all your HRMS hassles

Irrespective of how big an organization is, none of them would wish to lose their most treasured asset i.e., their employees. And, for the exact reason, employee satisfaction has always been one of the primary concerns of any employer.

Despite such concern, issues regarding employee dissatisfaction have always been arousing in every organization. And, most of such issues get triggered by the HR’s desk.

So, if you are concerned with such employee dissatisfaction issues occurring in your organization, worry no more. NexAEI can help you get rid of such issues in the wink of an eye.

Want to know how? Stay tuned as here I have made a rundown of the 5 most vital issues along with their solutions in the NexAEI way.

I: Data Storing

Traditionally, employee details used to be recorded and maintained in registers and logbooks, where primarily attendance, timestamps, and leaves used to be written down for processing salaries at the end of the month. With the onslaught of the digital age, spreadsheets replaced the registers and logbooks.


NexAEI is a smart solution that digitally stores and secures the employee information that includes check-in and check-out timestamps, attendance, leave requests and leave account. Moreover, the mobile application enables employees to check their information on their smartphones! This surely enhances and fortifies employee engagement in any organization, big or small.

II: Employee Self Service

The conventional procedure of getting a leave application approved in an organization takes place through emails and phone calls. And due to such a practice, many employees face unanticipated outcomes which were followed by overlooked emails and unanswered calls. Such occurrences resulted in salary discrepancies and so forth.

So, to make sure this practice lets out accurate results, organizations usually depend on HRs which ends up hampering their daily tasks like no other.


NexAEI comes with an Employee Self Service a.k.a. ESS feature that facilitates the leave application and approval scene. With NexAEI, employees do not require emailing or calling their respective reporting heads to get leaves approved. Instead, they can just open the NexAEI app on their respective smartphones and apply for leaves directly from the app itself.

III: Payroll

The calculation of the basic pay, the incentives and reimbursements fall in the payroll system, which is taken care of by the HR. It also counts in the appraisal system and salary increments.

Traditionally, all these used to get managed and registered in the logbooks and registers. This practice, later on, shifted into the spreadsheets. But due to human intervention, this practice is still prone to errors.


Even the smallest of mistakes while processing payrolls may trigger widespread dissatisfaction among employees. But if you are experiencing the service of NexAEI, you do not need to worry about any such things.

NexAEI has an inbuilt automation system, which we now call as PayCalc, set to tackle these delicate issues.

IV: Leave & Attendance Management

A good number of organizations out there are still stuck with the practice of recording attendances and leaves in registers and logbooks. Whereas, there are some organizations have stepped into the digital arena, eliminating their front desk rituals with the biometric attendance system.

But, none of these practices have helped to facilitate the HR’s job. All they have done is providing the HR personnel with huge chunks of unorganized data.


NexAEI comes with a kiosk that is capable of recognizing employees through their QR code. A face recognition tech is also an alternative.

Moreover, an organization is using a biometric attendance system to keep track of its employees’ check-in and check-out and as a result, if they are facing the above-mentioned challenges, they can simply opt for NexAEI.

NexAEI shall integrate with their biometric attendance system and will automatically calculate all the data received from the biometric attendance system to provide a piece of organized information to the HR cutting off all the unnecessary hassles.

V: Compliance

Any kind of misapprehension in following the statutory compliance guidelines regarding PF, ESI, and TDS can lead the company towards grave penalties. All these legal implications usually fall under HR’s concern and are quite prone to human mistakes.


Compliance related issues have always been the most complicated thing of an HR’s task list.

But, NexAEI has its own way of dealing with all such issues. NexAEI takes care of all the PF, ESI, TDS, etc., and cutting down a huge chunk of unnecessary hassles from the HR’s task list.

Final Thoughts

Issues have always been there and so have been solutions. And, if you are still worried about the issues that I have discussed in this blog, all you need to do is mail us at and request for a free demo.

NexAEI is here to help you!

Understanding the Role of AI in HR

Traditionally speaking, HR departments have been thought of performing only administrative functions. At times also referred to as personnel departments, the key responsibilities of traditional HR departments have been mostly clerical and had been focused primarily on maintaining the workforce record.

However, all of it has changed in the last 30 years…

HR practices today are more focused on providing a competitive advantage to organizations –something we know as the ‘strategic HR’ practices. This new phrase has witnessed a complete overhauling of the traditional HR practices that have now switched focus to key metrics like enhancing employee performance, talent acquisition, implementing company policies, etc.

The impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on workforce and organizational process though not new, is definitely in a nascent stage. When organizations successfully combine the power of AI with strategic insights, it immediately transforms the way HRs contribute to the desired competitive advantage. It may be safely stated that AI provides better accuracy and stability to everyday HR processes using an algorithm that connects quality data with fast computation services. In simple words, the traditional HR initiatives had led to incremental change, while the implementation of AI has paved the way for an exponential performance boost for any given HR department.

Why is AI being used in HR?

After successfully transforming visual perception, speech recognition, tone analysis, language translation, natural language processing, and other such areas, AI has the potential to properly augment business operations and consumer solutions.

But why in HR? Here are five primary reasons why AI should be used in HRDs that we think is the most logical.

  • Solving Critical Business Challenges

Successful implementation of AI in HR processes would help organizations scale up their respective services and deliver better insights without the need for unnecessary headcount or cost. With the help of AI-based solutions, organizations will be able to empower employees to drive better delivery on the business strategy and enabled proper allocation of the financial resources.

  • Supporting Better Decision Making

Today all forms of business decisions are best made analytically owing to the overwhelming rate at which information is being generated. AI may be used to make sense of this vast amount of information and generate recommendations. Proper implementation of AI would enable HRs to be able to cater to employee concerns in real-time with the help of applications.

  • Improving Employee Experience

In today’s day and age, employees look for a more personalized experience as opposed to a standard one. HRs today may take the help of advanced AI solutions to offer employees a tailor-made experience that would help in keeping them engaged right from the start to the end of a process.

  • Attracting and Developing New Skills

There is a huge disruption in the business world today, and successful organizations are effectively coping up by creating an agile work environment. In addition, being able to respond faster and accurately, helps organizations to stay ahead of their competitors. This means, companies are always on the lookout for skills that facilitate the right kind of innovation that workplaces. And in this regard, AI would be able to help HRs source the right kind of talent.

  • Using the HR Budget Efficiently

AI implementation promises to help HRs in not just addressing employee queries effectively, but also be able to become more efficient with the designated funding for their department. This way the HR spend can be shifted to more complex problem solving, and thereby, adding value to the core company objective. The savings, thus made, can be reinvested in implementing more AI-based solutions, and in the long run, increase the ability of an HR to solve critical business challenges, develop and encourage more strategic skill-building, pave the way for positive work experience, and provide valuable decision-making.

Understanding the Roadblocks to the Future…

When considering the roadblocks to successfully implementing AI in the HR field, the first and foremost factor that surfaces from surveys is financial barriers. The other critical barriers include:

  • The difficulty of finding skillful individuals
  • A concern over data protection and privacy
  • Regular reviewing, updating, and maintenance of the tools
  • Integrative capabilities of the service/s
  • The limited availability of trusted applications

Overcoming all these barriers, successful businesses have started brainstorming how to incorporate conversational AI in all their HR transactions. Moreover, organizations are looking towards AI for performing administrative tasks in order to disburden HR departments and create more lucrative opportunities for them to involve themselves in effective decision making and value-added strategy planning on an organizational level.

AI has successfully opened the doors to previously unimaginable opportunities in business processes. And now, proper implementation of AI and constant upgradation of its promises to help HRs pave the way for a future workplace, where the workforce would be empowered to enjoy perfect control of their careers and would be motivated enough to modernize their skills so as to match with the technology trends that are or will be disrupting the business realm.

HR applications that will be powered by AI promise to have the potential to be able to empower HR professionals to become knowledgeable consultants and raise the employee productivity by leaps and bounds. These applications would help in systematic analysis, prediction, and diagnosis; and, transform the HRDs into capable and powerful resources in each organization.

NexAEI has been a product that was carved out from the ideas of senior HR professionals who needed something more than an application that runs on AI. Right from a state-of-the-art multiple facial recognition as a part of the advanced biometric for attendance capturing to consolidating and centralizing all employee data on the cloud and a robust rules engine for policy governance, NexAEI is helping HRs redefine their roles in a company.

3 Ways NexAEI Revolutionizes Your Front Office

Do you still think setting up an impressive front office is an arduous task? Well, it is time to think again!

Frankly speaking, you don’t need to be a world-class designer to revamp your front office. All that you need to do is stylize your front office by implementing certain visual and most importantly, digital changes that are aligned with all the latest global trends.

Speaking of visual improvements, you need to make your front office look spacious, choose the best and the brightest colours and arrange your furniture in such a way that can maximize natural light.

These changes can make your front office look far better than what it used to.

When thinking about digital improvements, you need a best-in-class digital solution that can make your front office look tech-savvy and also help in automating your organizational workflow. And, the only solution that can assist you in digitally revolutionizing your front office space is the Next Generation Advanced Engagement Interface or NexAEI!

Yes, there are several other SaaS-based products and solutions that you may have heard of. But what keeps NexAEI ahead of the curve is the fact that it an all-in-one solution that takes care of your employees, visitors, and material flow.

Smart Employee Management:

Smart Employee Management is an extremely efficient management system crafted by NexAEI that tracks and manages employee attendance and leaves.

The solution processes the data sourced from the NexAEI Kiosk installed in your front office and stores them securely in a centralized cloud database. Not just that, NexAEI also lays out all the stored data in a well-organized manner which can be downloaded by the HRs at the time of processing salaries of your employees. The automated leave and attendance data processing negates all kinds of discrepancies.

Smart Visitor Management:

NexAEI comes with another state-of-the-art Smart Visitor Management. This module helps in keeping track of every individual who visits your office.

This SaaS solution stores all the data in a centralized location that can be accessed by the admin, and visitor entry and exit time stamps along with who they meet may easily be viewed by the hosts through NexAEI’s mobile application. The visitor management solution also displays scheduled meetings, and enables you to accept, decline, or forward a visitor meeting through the app.

Smart Material Management:

Smart Material Management is the third offering of NexAEI which is a proficient material workflow management system.

This automated workflow manager keeps track of all your material flow from your workplace to the warehouse, and vice versa.

An impressive front office is not just about the interior designing or the placing of classic incandescent lamps; it is also about the kind of solution you implement and how your critical stakeholders are benefited by it.

Be a part of the digital transformation with NexAEI. Bring complete visibility to your workplace with a device-agnostic, future-proof and an ever-evolving SaaS solution. It is time to transform your front office with mobility and visibility to save your time, money and effort!

Switch to NexAEI.

NexAEI. Be here. Anywhere.

How does Digitalized Employee Engagement Boost Your Organizational Success?

Employee engagement is an important KPI for HR departments, aimed at ensuring long-term organizational growth and success. Successful employee management is all about the HR offering meaningful opportunities to employees in order to help them learn, grow, and succeed as part of the organization thereby, enabling organizations to achieve higher productivity.

Of late, digitalization has established itself as an effective means for improving the way employees are hired, trained, and retained in organizations; it also can boost the employee engagement quotient.

With the advent of digitalization, HR is now able to create an improved work culture that is more aligned with productivity and profitability for both the employees, as well as the organization. There are digital tools that help monitor work schedule, manage talent, measure performance, create an accurate payroll process, resolve red-flags, and provide real-time feedback to employees.

How is digitalization boosting employee engagement?
  1. Developing a better communication process: Digital communication tools ensure the culture of the transparency that strengthens the employer and employee relationship, in accordance with the organizational priorities.
  2. Better performance management platforms: Digitalization ensures a meaningful work process that is devoid of any race, culture, or gender biases. Gone are the days when employee performance assessment was merely based on annual surveys. Now real-time assessment is conducted, and instant feedback is provided, resulting in employees being able to engage with their job roles more efficiently.
  3. Talent development opportunities: Digital platforms use behavior mapping techniques to create a personalized and structured learning program for the benefit of each employee and help them become more productive and expand their knowledge.
  4. Better team management: With digital tools, managers can utilize machine learning and employee data to choose the best employees who are more suited to collaborate with each other, resulting in an organized team environment to drive better engagement.
How is Nexaei shaping the digital transformation process?

Nexaei, the ‘smart’ mobile application, enables HRs to create more engaged employees, resulting in increased productivity, better customer engagement, and organizational profitability. The application assists in employee onboarding, attendance capturing, leave management, and roster management, thereby relieving HRs of ad-hoc duties so that they may focus on other critical projects for driving organizational success. Data consolidation and centralization along with a robust rule engine to govern company policies, Nexaei is redefining the role of an HR.

NexAEI Is the Best Solution for Your Visitor Management Hassles

Welcoming, Identifying and tracking the activities of your guests inside your workplace premises is a practice executed by most of the organizations who have installed VMS for their workplaces.

But, with the ubiquitous of widespread digital transformation, NexAEI pioneers a revolution that starts right from your front desk.

So, let us check out what NexAEI can offer your workplace surpassing the traditional visitor management systems.

1. Increased Visibility

Visibility is something that NexAEI has been created to offer. And, being on the same path, NexAEI offers you a complete and real-time data regarding your current guests. Also, you get the details of some of your upcoming guests through this module.

And, in this way you can get the complete visibility of all your guests in your workplace premises easing all the possibilities of forgery as well as unauthorized access.

2. Live Updates

Like I said earlier, with NexAEI, you get a reality check on all your authorized visitors. Yes, the NexAEI dashboard can help you with the status of all your current guests. The smart visitor management module provides you with all the information regarding the types of your visitors, their contact details, their purpose of visit, their check-in and check-out time, locked or engaged visitor passes, if any; and more.

3. Foolproof Visitor Reports

With NexAEI, you can get a list of all your visitors along with their necessary details on a given date or over a period of time. This unerring report can give you a quick check on the visitors battling out all the possibilities of falsification.

4. Centralized Visitor Database

Now, if you have offices in multiple locations, then NexAEI is your one-stop solution. No matter how many locations your organization works from, NexAEI can streamline and centralize all your data with zero hassle.

5. Enhanced Access Control

Lastly, NexAEI offers you next-level access control. This module lets you restrict certain areas of your workplace which you don’t want your visitors to access. So, while issuing the static card or the print card to your guest, you can easily preselect the areas which you don’t want your visitors to access.

Bonus: Make a Better First Impression

Customarily, the reception area is the venue where a guest will have their foremost encounter with your organization. You need to keep in mind that your guest could be a client, a prospect or a key business partner.

NexAEI can assist you the best in utilizing this opportunity to establish a decent first impression and cater to your guests with constructive visitor experience.

Switch to NexAEI.

Click here

To know more about our services.

5 Reasons Why You Need to Move Over Paper Logbooks

With the continual encroachment of technology globally, paper logbooks are increasingly becoming archaic. And, if you still adhere to using paper logbooks for storing your daily records, it is high time you rethink your proposition! Here are some of the usual drawbacks of using paper logbooks which are so common in nature that you almost tend to overlook them as part and parcel of the organizational process. However, it is NOT!

1. Logbooks Are Often Left Incomplete

Individuals have unique handwriting that is often unclear to the reader, in this case, the front office professional. Also, filling up the information in the registers is often considered as a mere formality that encourages the infamous usage of shorthand. In addition, there are cases where even if check-in details are present, the check out information is avoided completely. These occurrences are quite evident, and sadly undeniable in most workplaces – leaving the entire existence and importance of your paper logbooks, futile!

2. Zero Confidentiality

Are you one of those organizations that can boast about keeping your visitor information completely confidential using pen-and-paper registration? Do you get the hook in the question? Well, then you know what I am hinting at! Visitor information stored in a register that is easily accessible to any guest walking into your office may raise concerns about information confidentiality. So, if confidentiality is at all a necessity for your organization, paper logbooks should not be considered at all.

3. No Option To Centralize Your Recorded Data

If your organizations have headquarters in several places and you are dependent on visitor registers to store your daily visitor in and out data, then you have no means to centralize this information. And in today’s age and time, if your organization still practices manual centralization of the information, then you’re lagging way behind from the top guns!

4. Zero Utility In Emergency Cases

Like I said earlier, organizations that use paper logbooks rarely focus on recording visitor sign-outs. This practice makes it impossible for the admin or any person in charge to figure out if the person is still inside the premises or has already left. Moreover, visitor data stored in paper logbooks often go missing. So, if you want to meet a certain person who had met you years back, then I am sure your front office executive takes a considerable amount of time to get back to you with the right information.

5. Prone To Compliance And Security Issues

Using human-operated logs make consolidating or reporting data a tiresome. So, if you are looking forward to aligning all your details with your compliance policies and security requirements then things might end up becoming a time-consuming task. And, this eventually makes a bad impact on your overall expenses, and not to forget your organizational productivity!


Final Thoughts

Following traditions might feel secure, but you need to understand the silver lining between what is safe and what is holding you back from experiencing a complete digital overhauling of your front office operations. Now that you’re aware of the issues and challenges your organization may face owing to the use of paper logbooks, it is time you start digging deep in to find a one-stop solution that would help you make the perfect digital turn.

Why NexAEI Is The Best Solution For All Your VMS Hassles?

Organizations, big or small, have guests coming in all day long.

Some come in to help your IT team, some come in to deliver stationery, then there are interviewees, your friend or family – the list is practically HUGE!

Now, if your company also has a good number of visitors on a regular basis, you must be well acquainted with the numerous issues revolving around visitor management.

All those pen and paper registrations, missing records, overcrowded front office, confused visitors, host unavailable, etc., frustrate businesses a lot!

So, what is the alternative?

The Ultimate Solution!

It is simple!

What you are looking for is an automated visitor registration system that stores all the visitor information on a centralized database and churns out information whenever you need it.

All of this in one place, in one mobile application – NexAEI.

This is not just another VMS promotional blog. NexAEI is a sneak peek into what the future of front office operations would look like.

Let us consider 5 of the main issues you face with your existing visitor management system, and how NexAEI’s Visitor In & Out (VIO) provides an answer to each one of them.

I: Misinformation and Issues with Logging Out


In case of spelling mistakes or typos or any other mistakes done by the visitors while registering themselves during the signing in process, they usually find it hard to sign out as they can’t find themselves signed in. In such occurrences, they usually blame the VMS.


With NexAEI, you can completely forget identification issues such as these. And the reason is quite apparent.

While a visitor signs in, the system requires them to take a selfie that is saved along with the personal information.

Also, at the time of registration through the NexAEI Kiosk, the visitor is asked to provide their mobile number. NexAEI sends an OTP to that mobile number, which needs to be validated at the kiosk app.

In such a way, NexAEI cross validates a visitor avoiding any form of mistakes at the time of registration.

II: Pre-Inviting Guests and Scheduling Meetings


Sending out invites and scheduling meeting and events are a distant dream for most VMSs. However, the presence of such a feature would delight individuals who are organized and chalk out schedules in advance.


NexAEI can help you in such a case in the best way possible.

With NexAEI a host can easily pre-schedule a meeting or just organize and invite a previous visitor for a meeting that is about to happen on a certain date. Further, he may connect with the invitees from within the application itself.

III: Clueless Visitors and Security Breaches


Visitors who arrive at an office front desk are quite capable of generating visitor passes for themselves. These visitor passes enable the visitor to pass through their intended gate. Similar occurrences might arise security concerns as the admin panel or the host stand unaware of the situation.


NexAEI has its own unique way of tackling this issue.

When a visitor generates a visitor pass from the front desk Kiosk, the information gets conveyed to the host, whom the visitor has arrived to meet.

Now, at that point in time, if the host is ready for the meeting, he/she can just accept the meeting.

This acceptance will get conveyed to the front office personnel who will inform the visitor about the same.

But if the host is busy at that point, then the person can postpone the meeting and the same happening will take place in the same way.

IV: Meeting Cancellations


Such instances when a visitor arrives to meet an employee who has been traveling or is in someplace other than the office, occurs in every office. And, in usual cases, the meeting gets canceled.


In such cases, an employee using NexAEI, who has been traveling or is out of the office for some valid reason can transfer the meeting to one of his colleagues in order to avoid meeting cancelations.

V: Privacy Concerns Regarding Paper Logbooks


Lastly, this issue is one that is the most overlooked of any organization.

There are such cases when a visitor arrives at a time when the front desk person is not at their place. Such occurrences make valuable information stored in the front desk logbooks vulnerable.


With NexAEI you can just easily cast out such vulnerability of your front desk’s valuable information.

Through NexAEI all the information that a visitor enters into the front desk Kiosk, gets conveyed to the admin instantly and gets stored in the central database.

In this way, the information now becomes inaccessible to anyone else other than the admin and to get hands-on it, an individual requires permission from the admin.

What’s Your Take?

This is how NexAEI solves the issues that bog down other conventional VMSs. So, if you are facing similar issues with your regular VMS, then this is high time you shift to NexAEI.

The future is now.

If you have any unsolved queries left about NexAEI, you can visit us at or just mail us at