Digital reception

Haven’t you got jaded of filling out your details in those age-old register books whenever you enter an office building for the first time?

You are, right? We can totally feel you!

How convenient do you think is it to keep a track of that record and never miss a single detail from the register book? How secured do you think this existing system of keeping a check on daily visitors is?

Why do we still bear with the fact that the receptionist or whoever the front desk employee is, needs to hinge on that outdated register and pen?

It’s about time that we dump our so-called in-time out-time registers, and go digital. By digital, we mean digital visitor management, smart visitor management!

First things first, let us jot down the features of an ideal smart visitor management system that we offer –

  1. 1. AI-Based Facial Recognition
  2. 2. Paperless Registration
  3. 3. Smart Meeting
  4. 4. Guest Invitation
  5. 5. Backend Support
  6. 6. Multi-location Data Centralization
  7. 7. Multi-lingual Support
  8. 8. Co-Visitor Registration

As compared to the customary register book, a smart and effective visitor management system like NexAEI VisMate is equipped with state-of-the-art features to be solicitous of all the foregoing reception requisites. We promise a complete makeover to your present front office.

We help you rethink visitor management experience where you present your esteemed guests and everyday visitors to a sleek tablet at the front desk. In a way, even in an absolutely new environment, you are undeniably self-sufficient and empowered. Doesn’t that sound like one smart premium reception?

Yes, it does!

With all the dynamic present-day Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) technologies in place, companies should shift to digital platforms in its visitor management approaches as well leaving behind the old-school methods. Only then can your company be literally called smart, dynamic, and well-managed.

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